Critical skills MODULE

Individual Unit Standards (level 1-2)

Offered in 2025: Critical Skills Workshop Series

Individual Unit Standards

NEW FOR 2025: 

Aviation is highly regulated and compliant in health, safety and security. As such our courses reflect the health, safety and security with all teaching and training. Through feedback and results, we are finding our courses to extremely beneficial for our ‘partner’ ramp operations company, as front-line employees get the opportunity to grow their knowledge and skills in all foundation areas that further assist them in the workplace as a whole and essentially improve team capability, positivity, understanding and productivity. These individual 1-2 day modules focus on core generic skills such as reading, writing communication and verbal skills in a workplace context using workplace examples. Successful learners will pick up foundation skills as well as achieving NZQA unit standards and associated credits.

JNPAT liaises with the workplace to ensure materials are suited to the learners and their workplace needs.

Entry Requirements

No requirements

Purpose statement

To gain knowledge and skills in core foundation areas that further assist graduates in the workplace as a whole and essentially improve team capability, positivity, understanding and productivity.

Graduate profile

Graduates will be able to carry out core generic skills such as reading, writing, numeracy, communication and verbal skills in a workplace context using workplace examples.

regulatory requirements

Industry dependent.

key dates


Start date


Course duration

Each Critical Skills Module will be 1-2 days in legnth and focus on one of the following: Communication, Reading, Numeracy, Writing and Core Generic Skills

days on site per week

1-2 days per Critical Skill Module.



study location

Hangar 8, 142 Aerodrome Road, or at your workplace

Delivery method

Kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face)

course and assessment type

Unit standard assessments attached



Cost to students



2-16 credits

Youth Guarantee



NZQA Unit standard/s and associated credits.

No items found.

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For more detailed information about the course download our PDF.

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